300-Unit Office-To-Residential Conversion in Georgetown Files Updated Design

  • November 15th 2024

by UrbanTurf Staff

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An aerial rendering of the new development. Click to enlarge.

The largest residential conversion planned in Georgetown is continuing to move forward with a slightly new design. 

An affiliate of Potomac Investment Trust has plans in the works to convert the buildings at 1000 and 1050 Thomas Jefferson Street NW (map) for residential use. 

The conversion of 1000 Thomas Jefferson Street would consist of the addition of two levels plus a penthouse, with residential units on the upper floors and commercial uses continuing on the lower levels. The conversion would add approximately 95-115 residential units, and the existing 140 parking spaces and loading areas in the building will remain.

Click to enlarge.

1050 Thomas Jefferson Street will be converted to a primarily residential building with the addition of three levels and a penthouse. The preliminary unit count for this building is approximately 170-220 units. The existing 230 below grade parking spaces will remain. Shalom Baranes Associates is in charge of the design for the conversion of both buildings. 


The latest design filed this week with DC's Historic Preservation Office (HPO) increases the open space at both developments, which will include the conversion of ground level office use to a series of retail spaces, as well as looking into ways that the alley can be more pedestrian-focused. To be in context with the neighboring buildings and maintain distance from Whitehurst Freeway, there will be a series of setbacks and step backs throughout the building design. 

The project will likely go before DC's Historic Preservation Review Board in December. 

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/300-unit_office-to-residential_conversion_in_georgetown_files_updated_desig/22926.

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