222 Apartments Proposed to Redevelop Church Site in Southwest DC

  • May 26th 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering from corner of 4th and Eye. Click to enlarge.

Another church redevelopment is on the boards in DC.

Westminster Presbyterian Church is moving forward with a zoning application for a map amendment and planned-unit development (PUD) enabling the church to redevelop its site at 400 Eye Street SW (map). The resulting 90 foot-tall mixed-use building would include 18,500 square feet of ground-floor space for the church's facilities, and separate volumes above for 99 market-rate units and 123 senior affordable units. Development partners include Bozzuto Development, Bozzuto Homes, and Westminster Community Partners.

Southeast aerial rendering. Click to enlarge.

The map amendment would rezone the site from R-3 (rowhouse) zoning to MU-2 (transitional mixed-use). As designed by KGD Architecture, the building will include green roof space with native plants on multiple levels, and a "back-lit vertical embellishment of channel glass" adorning the corner. 

Rendering from across Eye Street. Click to enlarge.

The senior units would be for households earning up to 50 and 60% of median family income, and the unit mix across both sides of the building would span from studios to two-bedrooms. The building would also include a below-grade parking level with 60 vehicular and 76 long-term bicycle spaces.

Rendering from Eye Street and Makemie Place. Click to enlarge.

The site was previously included as a build-first site in potential redevelopment plans for nearby public housing community Greenleaf Gardens; the latest proposal was presented at February's ANC 6D meeting.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/222-apartments-proposed-to-redevelop-southwest-church-site/16878.

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