213-Unit Brookland Project Gets Second Approval from Zoning

  • March 10th 2015

by Lark Turner

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213-Unit Brookland Project Gets Second Approval from Zoning: Figure 1

A 213-unit residential project planned for a lot near the Brookland Metro Station received its second approval from the Zoning Commission on Monday night.

The Zoning Commission’s initial decision to approve the project at 901 Monroe Street NE (map) in 2012 was fiercely opposed by residents living within 200 feet of the project, who took their case to the DC Court of Appeals. The court sent the case back to the Zoning Commission, saying the commissioners hadn’t fully explained their facts and findings before approving the project. The site of the project is the former location of Colonel Brooks Tavern, which closed its doors in 2012.

213-Unit Brookland Project Gets Second Approval from Zoning: Figure 2
A rendering of the planned mixed-use development.

After a brief discussion on Monday, the Commission reaffirmed its decision in favor of the developer, The Menkiti Group, which is working with architect Esocoff and Associates on the project. Commissioner Peter May said the project offers an appropriate transition from the smaller single-family homes nearby to the larger buildings clustered near the Metro station.

“The project evolved to a place where it steps down appropriately and meets those smaller homes in an appropriate manner, and it works well,” May said Monday. “In fact, it works better than the buildings across the street and down the street, which are institutional buildings that are not particularly respectful of the character of the neighborhood.”

Mark Rengel, who heads development at the Menkiti Group, told UrbanTurf the project would be delayed until the Zoning Commission’s decision was reviewed by the court.

“The overall timeline is somewhat in flux right now as it is dependent on the speed at which the Zoning Commission issues their response back to the DC Court of Appeals and the ensuing hearing schedule at the Court of Appeals,” he wrote in an email.

The planned project will have 150 parking spaces, 66 bike spaces and two parking spots reserved for Zipcar. There will also be 13,000 square feet of retail, including a restaurant.

See other articles related to: 901 monroe street, brookland, the menkiti group

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/212-unit_project_near_brookland_metro_gets_second_approval_from_zoning/9623.

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