204-Unit Development Proposed Across the Street from Shaw Metro

  • January 13th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rendering of the development, from 7th and S Streets. Click to enlarge.

Last year, DC's Zoning Commission issued an order to rezone the site of a Howard University-owned office building across the street from Shaw/Howard University Metro station. Now, we are getting an idea of what is in the works for that property.

Quadrangle Development and Capstone Development are planning to replace the three-story building at 1840 7th Street NW (map) with an eight-story, 204-unit development with 21,000 square feet of ground-floor retail. The development will also have penthouse-level amenities, Inclusionary Zoning units and a level of below-grade parking.

Both a raze permit and a building permit are currently under review for the site. UrbanTurf will update this article when more information is available.

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This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/204-unit-development-proposed-across-the-street-from-shawhoward-metro/19129.

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