120 Senior Affordable Units Proposed South of the National Arboretum

  • February 9th 2022

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Preliminary massing of the proposed development. Click to enlarge.

New senior housing may be in the works adjacent to the National Arboretum.

Outlier Realty and Goodwin Companies shared a preliminary proposal to ANC 5D this week for a 120-unit affordable housing development off the intersection of M Street and Maryland Avenue NE (map) for residents aged 55 and older. 

The project would require a planned unit development (PUD) application and a map amendment to rezone the site from RA-2 (moderate-density residential) to RA-4 (medium- to high-density residential). The resulting 90 foot-tall building would include amenities such as a community room, fitness center, bike room, and roof deck with garden.

The unit mix will include 13 two-bedrooms with the remainder split almost evenly between studios and one-bedrooms. Depending on financing, the units may be affordable to households earning up to 30%, 50%, and 80% of area median income (AMI), or to households earning up to 60% of AMI.

A zoning application is expected next month.

Correction: The development team has been updated for accuracy since publication.

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/120-senior-affordable-units-proposed-south-of-the-arboretum/19250.

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