
What X Buys

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under What X Buys, from most recent to least.

What Around $570,000 Buys in DC

What Around $570,000 Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | October 11th 2017

For What X Buys this week, UrbanTurf spotlights some options for prospective DC homebuyers with a $570,000 budget.... read»

What Between $875,000-900,000 Buys in DC

What Between $875,000-900,000 Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | September 28th 2017

For this week's edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf highlights a few options for DC homebuyers with a budget between $875,000 and $900,000.... read»

What Just Under $2 Million Buys in the DC Area

What Just Under $2 Million Buys in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | September 19th 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf spotlights a few options for DC area homebuyers looking to spend just south of $2 million.... read»

What $38,000 Buys in DC: A Poolside Double Cabana

What $38,000 Buys in DC: A Poolside Double Cabana

Nena Perry-Brown | July 26th 2017

There are very few pieces of real estate in DC that can be purchased for under $40,000, save for maybe a parking space or a storage unit. But UrbanTur... read»

What (About) $1.5 Million Buys in DC

What (About) $1.5 Million Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | June 27th 2017

For this installment of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns to a few listings for DC homebuyers looking to spend around $1.5 million.... read»

What $1 Million Buys in DC

What $1 Million Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | May 31st 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns to a few listings for DC homebuyers looking to spend $1 million.... read»

What (Around) $650,000 Buys in DC

What (Around) $650,000 Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | May 2nd 2017

For this installment of What X Buys, UrbanTurf takes a look at a few listings for buyers looking to spend just under $650,000.... read»

What About $1.2 Million Buys in DC

What About $1.2 Million Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | March 29th 2017

In this installment of What X Buys, UrbanTurf checks out a few listings for buyers with a $1.2 million budget.... read»

What Around $2 Million Buys in DC

What Around $2 Million Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | March 14th 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns an eye toward some listings for DC-area buyers with a $2 million budget.... read»

From Georgetown to Tenleytown: What Around $1.4 Million Buys in DC

From Georgetown to Tenleytown: What Around $1.4 Million Buys in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | February 13th 2017

For this edition of What X Buys, UrbanTurf turns an eye toward some listings for DC buyers with $1.4 million to spend.... read»

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