Text Amendment

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Text Amendment, from most recent to least.

A Bill in Montgomery County Aims to Power 50,000 Homes With Solar Energy

A Bill in Montgomery County Aims to Power 50,000 Homes With Solar Energy

Nena Perry-Brown | January 22nd 2020

Councilmember Hans Riemer and Council Vice President Tom Hucker introduced a bill to permit community solar farms on up to 2% of the 93,000 acres the ... read»

A Case for Commercial at DC's Self-Storage Facilities

A Case for Commercial at DC's Self-Storage Facilities

Nena Perry-Brown | January 21st 2020

A proposed zoning text amendment would require new self-storage facilities in DC's PDR zones to activate the ground floor.... read»

New Zoning Amendments Could Result in Artist Performances and More Homes in DC's Alleys

New Zoning Amendments Could Result in Artist Performances and More Homes in DC's Alleys

Nena Perry-Brown | July 2nd 2019

The new amendments intend to help address the city's housing needs and serve the aims of the Cultural Plan.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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