Small Area Plan

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Small Area Plan, from most recent to least.

DC's Plan to Build 33,000 Housing Units on New York Avenue by 2043

DC's Plan to Build 33,000 Housing Units on New York Avenue by 2043

Nena Perry-Brown | March 25th 2022

The DC Office of Planning is turning its attention to the New York Avenue NE corridor for a series of planning efforts intended to facilitate addition... read»

How New Design Guidelines Could Give Chevy Chase DC a Facelift

How New Design Guidelines Could Give Chevy Chase DC a Facelift

Nena Perry-Brown | March 17th 2022

A year after the Office of Planning launched its process to create a new Small Area Plan for Chevy Chase, the draft Plan offers some specific concepts... read»

Is This How Upper Connecticut Avenue Could Look?

Is This How Upper Connecticut Avenue Could Look?

Nena Perry-Brown | January 31st 2022

The DC Office of Planning is envisioning how part of the corridor could develop some density.... read»

The New Plans For More Housing West of Rock Creek

The New Plans For More Housing West of Rock Creek

Nena Perry-Brown | December 16th 2021

Today, several programs and initiatives were announced related to housing production in Rock Creek West.... read»

From Chevy Chase to Congress Heights: The New Small Area Plans in The Works For DC

From Chevy Chase to Congress Heights: The New Small Area Plans in The Works For DC

Nena Perry-Brown | December 2nd 2020

The Office of Planning has five new Small Area Plan efforts in the pipeline.... read»

Despite Opposition of Owners, Florida Avenue Market Designated a Historic District

Despite Opposition of Owners, Florida Avenue Market Designated a Historic District

Nena Perry-Brown | November 4th 2016

Despite the show of solidarity that many owners within Florida Avenue Market and other interested parties made in opposition to a speedy landmark stat... read»

The Push to Make Florida Avenue Market a Landmark

The Push to Make Florida Avenue Market a Landmark

Nena Perry-Brown | September 8th 2016

While it may seem sudden, the application to designate the Florida Avenue Market Terminal as a historic landmark is the culmination of years of study ... read»

A New Plan For Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park and Truxton Circle

A New Plan For Bloomingdale, LeDroit Park and Truxton Circle

Shilpi Paul | April 29th 2013

On Saturday, representatives from the Office of Planning and the District Department of Transportation met with the residents of Bloomingdale, Eckingt... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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