Reo Properties

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Reo Properties, from most recent to least.

The Implications Of Investor-Owned Foreclosures

The Implications Of Investor-Owned Foreclosures

Shilpi Paul | February 11th 2013

In recent years, thousands of foreclosed homes across the country saw new life as rentals owned by investors. The Urban Institute has started taking a... read»

New Tool Aims to Determine How Valuable a Foreclosure Will Be as a Rental

New Tool Aims to Determine How Valuable a Foreclosure Will Be as a Rental

Shilpi Paul | May 8th 2012

Analytics firm CoreLogic just unveiled a REO-to-Rental data tool that helps investors gauge the rental value of real-estate owned homes. ... read»

Another Look at Renting Out Foreclosures

Another Look at Renting Out Foreclosures

Shilpi Paul | November 30th 2011

Should the government try to fill foreclosed homes with renters? A recent Trulia Insights post looked at the effectiveness of a push by Fannie, Freddi... read»

Freddie Mac Sold Record Number of REO Homes in 2011

Freddie Mac Sold Record Number of REO Homes in 2011

Shilpi Paul | November 15th 2011

Freddie Mac sold a record number of real estate owned (REO) properties in 2011 for close to what the properties would've fetched on the normal for-sal... read»

This Week's Find: The Beautiful Foreclosure

This Week's Find: The Beautiful Foreclosure

Mark Wellborn | September 29th 2011

When people hear the term "foreclosure", it conjures up images of dilapidated properties that are on the verge of falling down. That is not the case w... read»

Just Like Freddie? Fannie Mae Launches Home Sales Promotion

Just Like Freddie? Fannie Mae Launches Home Sales Promotion

UrbanTurf Staff | June 14th 2011

Almost a month after Freddie Mac's HomeSteps launched a sales promotion for its inventory of foreclosed homes, Fannie Mae has announced a very simila... read»

HomeSteps Launches Closing Cost Promotion

HomeSteps Launches Closing Cost Promotion

UrbanTurf Staff | May 18th 2011

HomeSteps, the real estate sales unit of Freddie Mac, launched a sales promotion this week for its inventory of foreclosed homes in an effort to boost... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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