Renting Out Foreclosures

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Renting Out Foreclosures, from most recent to least.

Citigroup Aiming to Help Underwater Homeowners Become Renters

Citigroup Aiming to Help Underwater Homeowners Become Renters

Shilpi Paul | August 9th 2012

Citigroup recently announced a program that would allow 500 underwater homeowners to hand over their deeds to the bank and become renters in their own... read»

New Tool Aims to Determine How Valuable a Foreclosure Will Be as a Rental

New Tool Aims to Determine How Valuable a Foreclosure Will Be as a Rental

Shilpi Paul | May 8th 2012

Analytics firm CoreLogic just unveiled a REO-to-Rental data tool that helps investors gauge the rental value of real-estate owned homes. ... read»

House Rentals Outnumber High-Rises

House Rentals Outnumber High-Rises

UrbanTurf Staff | April 24th 2012

Do you rent in a row house or a high-rise? A new report reveals that it is probably the former. ... read»

Bank of America Launches "Mortgage to Lease" Program

Bank of America Launches "Mortgage to Lease" Program

UrbanTurf Staff | March 23rd 2012

Bank of America has launched a pilot program aimed at allowing homeowners facing foreclosure to stay in their homes by renting them back from the bank... read»

Another Look at Renting Out Foreclosures

Another Look at Renting Out Foreclosures

Shilpi Paul | November 30th 2011

Should the government try to fill foreclosed homes with renters? A recent Trulia Insights post looked at the effectiveness of a push by Fannie, Freddi... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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