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Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Redlining, from most recent to least.

Office of Planning Report Recommends Introducing Gentle Density Changes to DC's Single-Family Zones
Nena Perry-Brown | April 27th 2020
Along with submitting the final draft of Comp Plan amendments to the DC Council, a report also explains how the city's single-family zones can accommo... read»

How Presidential Candidates' Housing Plans May (or May Not) Affect the DC Area
Nena Perry-Brown | October 24th 2019
A recent panel in DC discussed the potential local impact of housing plans being put forth by the Democratic presidential candidates.... read»

How Would Kamala Harris' Housing Proposal Affect DC?
Nena Perry-Brown | July 22nd 2019
UrbanTurf revisits a proposal to help low-income residents of formerly redlined communities buy homes to see whether DC residents would be able to tak... read»
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The redevelopment of Mazza Gallerie is nearly complete.... read »

While the buildings at The Wharf are generally all finished, there are still a couple... read »

Approximately 34% of renters in the DC region are looking for rentals in other metro ... read »

The DC region has yet to see a surge of new listings hit the market in the face of fe... read »

Hoffman-Madison in talks to sell a portion of The Wharf; demolition of BLM plaza; and... read »
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