
Realestate Business Intelligence

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Realestate Business Intelligence, from most recent to least.

DC Home Prices Rise in May as Inventory Dwindles

DC Home Prices Rise in May as Inventory Dwindles

UrbanTurf Staff | June 11th 2012

For the second month in a row, home prices in the DC area rose significantly as the inventory of homes for sale continued to shrink. ... read»

DC Area Home Prices Rise 11.2 Percent

DC Area Home Prices Rise 11.2 Percent

Shilpi Paul | May 10th 2012

DC area home prices rose 11.2 percent in April, the largest increase for prices in almost six years. ... read»

DC Home Prices Rise 7.8% in March

DC Home Prices Rise 7.8% in March

Shilpi Paul | April 10th 2012

While a report out today about the DC area housing market reveals that the trends of the past few months -- a low inventory of homes, high contract ac... read»

February Housing Report: Low Inventory/Foreclosures, High Contract Activity

February Housing Report: Low Inventory/Foreclosures, High Contract Activity

UrbanTurf Staff | March 12th 2012

News out today about the DC area housing market in February sounds very similar to what was reported about the market in January and December: a low i... read»

DC Area Housing Inventory Remains Low, But So Do Foreclosures

DC Area Housing Inventory Remains Low, But So Do Foreclosures

Mark Wellborn | February 10th 2012

The news out today about the DC area housing market in January sounds a lot like what was reported for the market last month: a low inventory of homes... read»

Will DC's Low Housing Inventory Mean Higher Home Prices?

Will DC's Low Housing Inventory Mean Higher Home Prices?

Shilpi Paul | January 12th 2012

Jonathan Miller provides some additional insight into what low housing inventory really means for the DC area. ... read»

DC Experiencing Lowest For-Sale Inventory Since 2005

DC Experiencing Lowest For-Sale Inventory Since 2005

Shilpi Paul | January 10th 2012

If you have been on the hunt for a home recently and feel like there is less to choose from, you'd be right. ... read»

November Housing Market Report: Stronger Than Average

November Housing Market Report: Stronger Than Average

Shilpi Paul | December 13th 2011

Last month, the DC area housing market saw the highest number of signed contracts for the month of November (3,781) in six years, according to data re... read»

September Home Inventory Shows There is Less to Choose From

September Home Inventory Shows There is Less to Choose From

Mark Wellborn | October 10th 2011

The inventory of homes for sale in DC last month was well below the five-year average for the area, according to data released recently by RealEstate ... read»

Active August For DC Housing Market

Active August For DC Housing Market

Mark Wellborn | September 12th 2011

In August, pending home sales in the DC area reached their highest level in four years, according to data released today by RealEstate Business Intell... read»

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

We've collected all our helpful guides for buying, selling and renting in and around Washington, DC in one place. Start browsing below!