Racial Equity

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Racial Equity, from most recent to least.

A Loan Fund Launches for DC-Area Developers of Color

A Loan Fund Launches for DC-Area Developers of Color

Nena Perry-Brown | July 8th 2021

The new fund from Capital Impact Partners would target developments where at least 20% of the housing is affordable.... read»

Chevy Chase ANC Adopts Several Housing Equity Resolutions

Chevy Chase ANC Adopts Several Housing Equity Resolutions

Nena Perry-Brown | March 23rd 2021

The resolutions are amended from recommendations given by the commission's temporary Task Force on Racism.... read»

Montgomery County Bill Would Require Racial Impact Statements for Zoning Amendments

Montgomery County Bill Would Require Racial Impact Statements for Zoning Amendments

Nena Perry-Brown | September 30th 2020

As Montgomery County continues efforts to implement a racial equity lens in its planning process, a new bill sharpens the focus on zoning.... read»

Black Mortgage Applicants in DC Denied at Double Citywide Rate

Black Mortgage Applicants in DC Denied at Double Citywide Rate

Nena Perry-Brown | August 5th 2020

Higher Black homeownership rates have not made DC immune to mortgage denial disparities.... read»

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Opponents of McMillan Development See Opportunity in Social Justice Movement

Nena Perry-Brown | July 9th 2020

Recent news releases intensify focus on how the controversial development could impact racial and social justice.... read»

Montgomery County Releases Guidelines for Equity in Master Planning

Montgomery County Releases Guidelines for Equity in Master Planning

Nena Perry-Brown | July 7th 2020

The Plan was released as a requirement of the Racial Equity and Social Justice Act, enacted in March.... read»

What the Architecture and Development Industries Have Said Amid the Uprisings

What the Architecture and Development Industries Have Said Amid the Uprisings

Nena Perry-Brown | June 3rd 2020

As a growing list of organizations have released statements in response to the national wave of uprisings, UrbanTurf shares the statements of those wi... read»

Office of Planning Report Recommends Introducing Gentle Density Changes to DC's Single-Family Zones

Office of Planning Report Recommends Introducing Gentle Density Changes to DC's Single-Family Zones

Nena Perry-Brown | April 27th 2020

Along with submitting the final draft of Comp Plan amendments to the DC Council, a report also explains how the city's single-family zones can accommo... read»

Montgomery County to Introduce Bill Requiring Racial Equity in Planning

Montgomery County to Introduce Bill Requiring Racial Equity in Planning

Nena Perry-Brown | September 16th 2019

The county is holding a hearing on land use and racial equity this morning in advance of a related bill to be introduced tomorrow.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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