Landmark Application

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Landmark Application, from most recent to least.

A Rare Application to Landmark a DC Steakhouse

A Rare Application to Landmark a DC Steakhouse

Nena Perry-Brown | November 9th 2020

A new historic landmark application cites Dupont Circle steakhouse for being a welcoming epicenter for DC's LGBTQ community.... read»

A 12-Unit Condo Conversion Proposed for Shaw School

A 12-Unit Condo Conversion Proposed for Shaw School

Nena Perry-Brown | September 8th 2020

The project would deliver 12 residential units in the Morse School.... read»

DC's Tabard Inn Seeks Landmark Status

DC's Tabard Inn Seeks Landmark Status

Nena Perry-Brown | January 9th 2020

The application notes that the hotel is not only one of the city's oldest, but also the only to have been owned and operated solely by women since its... read»

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

Nena Perry-Brown | September 6th 2019

The Historic Preservation Review Board is expected to rule later this month on whether to grant landmark status to the remaining units at Barry Farm.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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