
Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Income, from most recent to least.

The DC Neighborhoods Where White Homebuyers' Income is Double That of Existing Residents

The DC Neighborhoods Where White Homebuyers' Income is Double That of Existing Residents

Nena Perry-Brown | April 29th 2019

The latest analysis of gentrification nationwide shows the difference in income between new homebuyers and those who already resided in a given area.... read»

Is DC Experimenting with Basic Income?

Is DC Experimenting with Basic Income?

Nena Perry-Brown | October 10th 2018

The city is starting a flex subsidy program that gives annual stipends to families earning up to 30 percent of area median income.... read»

How Where You Live in DC Affects Your Upward Mobility

How Where You Live in DC Affects Your Upward Mobility

Nena Perry-Brown | October 4th 2018

A recently released study of Census Bureau data maps where upward mobility is most likely to be enjoyed by a child born into various circumstances.... read»

19 Percent More Expensive: The DC Region's Priciness Put Into Perspective

19 Percent More Expensive: The DC Region's Priciness Put Into Perspective

Nena Perry-Brown | May 23rd 2018

In the midst of ballooning development (and home prices) in the District and the region more generally, it has come as a small comfort that a few othe... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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