
Home Buying

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Home Buying, from most recent to least.

DC December Housing Report: Prices and Sales Up

DC December Housing Report: Prices and Sales Up

Mark Wellborn | January 13th 2010

Statistics indicate that December was a very good month for the DC area home market. In his latest analysis, Keith Gibbons of DCHousingPrices reports ... read»

HUD Releases Updated Mandatory Settlement Cost Booklet

HUD Releases Updated Mandatory Settlement Cost Booklet

Tim Brown | January 7th 2010

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a settlement cost booklet, Shopping for Your Home Loan that provides a compreh... read»

Fannie Mae’s “First Look Initiative” Gives Homebuyers a Competitive Edge

Fannie Mae’s “First Look Initiative” Gives Homebuyers a Competitive Edge

Tim Brown | December 23rd 2009

Fannie Mae has introduced a program that now gives homeowners a leg up when bidding on foreclosed properties in its portfolio.... read»

Homebuyer Programs for DC Residents

Homebuyer Programs for DC Residents

Michele Lerner | December 22nd 2009

While potential homebuyers keep their attention focused on the federal tax credit for first-time and repeat buyers, they may be missing out on program... read»

Buyer Beware...Even of Your Buddies

Buyer Beware...Even of Your Buddies

Michele Lerner | December 7th 2009

Buying with friends sounds like a great idea. Round up a couple of college buddies, pool money for a down payment and recreate the dorm life (on a sli... read»

The Importance of Condo and Co-op Insurance

The Importance of Condo and Co-op Insurance

Michele Lerner | December 2nd 2009

Condo and co-op buyers sometimes mistakenly assume that their monthly fees will cover all their insurance needs. However in most cases, condo owners n... read»

The Ins and Outs of Low Appraisals

The Ins and Outs of Low Appraisals

Michele Lerner | November 24th 2009

This year, a constant complaint among home buyers and real estate professionals has been that home appraisals are coming in too low. After the jump, M... read»

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Should I Buy a Rowhouse in Mount Pleasant or Petworth?

UrbanTurf Reader Asks: Should I Buy a Rowhouse in Mount Pleasant or Petworth?

Mark Wellborn | November 17th 2009

In this week’s installment of UrbanTurf Reader Asks, a reader who is in the market for a row house wonders if she should sacrifice space and pri... read»

Low Price, Long Process: The Truth About Short Sales

Low Price, Long Process: The Truth About Short Sales

Michele Lerner | November 16th 2009

The state of today's housing market opens up the real possibility of getting a good price on a home that is listed as a short sale. However, it is imp... read»

Money Up Front: Earnest Money Deposit Explained

Money Up Front: Earnest Money Deposit Explained

Michele Lerner | November 11th 2009

Most first-time homebuyers know they need to prepare themselves for homeownership by saving money for a down payment, and improving their credit score... read»

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