Future Land Use Map

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Future Land Use Map, from most recent to least.

DC Council Approves Amended Comprehensive Plan

DC Council Approves Amended Comprehensive Plan

Nena Perry-Brown | May 18th 2021

The amendment process started five years ago.... read»

More Development on Connecticut Avenue? ANC 3C Passes Pro-Density Resolution

More Development on Connecticut Avenue? ANC 3C Passes Pro-Density Resolution

Nena Perry-Brown | February 18th 2021

ANC 3C approved a resolution in favor of the Office of Planning's suggestion to increase the density prescription for a commercial stretch of Connecti... read»

Union Market Property Owner Seeks High-Density Designation

Union Market Property Owner Seeks High-Density Designation

Nena Perry-Brown | December 11th 2019

As the public continues to weigh in on proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, another site is coming to the fore for a potential development.... read»

Could a New Non-Profit Doom a Planned 16th Street Development?

Could a New Non-Profit Doom a Planned 16th Street Development?

Nena Perry-Brown | August 14th 2018

A group of local residents is applying for a zoning map amendment which would affect the future of the recently-approved development.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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