Exclusionary Zoning

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Exclusionary Zoning, from most recent to least.

The Details of President Biden's Proposed $213 Billion Housing Plan

The Details of President Biden's Proposed $213 Billion Housing Plan

Nena Perry-Brown | June 10th 2021

The proposal suggests using a combination of programs to incentivize eliminating exclusionary zoning and producing and preserving affordable housing.... read»

Office of Planning Report Recommends Introducing Gentle Density Changes to DC's Single-Family Zones

Office of Planning Report Recommends Introducing Gentle Density Changes to DC's Single-Family Zones

Nena Perry-Brown | April 27th 2020

Along with submitting the final draft of Comp Plan amendments to the DC Council, a report also explains how the city's single-family zones can accommo... read»

The Details of a Bill That Would Transform Single-Family Zoning in Maryland

The Details of a Bill That Would Transform Single-Family Zoning in Maryland

Nena Perry-Brown | February 7th 2020

While a statewide upzoning bill got the chop in Virginia last month, Maryland's legislature is moving forward with a bill of its own.... read»

Failure to Launch for Virginia's Two-Family Zoning Bills

Failure to Launch for Virginia's Two-Family Zoning Bills

Nena Perry-Brown | January 23rd 2020

The bills were first announced last month.... read»

A Proposed Virginia Bill Would Effectively Ban Single-Family Zoning

A Proposed Virginia Bill Would Effectively Ban Single-Family Zoning

Nena Perry-Brown | December 19th 2019

If the bill becomes law, Virginia would effectively become the second state nationwide to end single-family zoning.... read»

Amid Comp Plan Conversation, DC Hosts Forum on History of Disparate Housing Distribution

Amid Comp Plan Conversation, DC Hosts Forum on History of Disparate Housing Distribution

Nena Perry-Brown | December 9th 2019

Held immediately after an open house on the Comprehensive Plan, the forum seems to be the city's first attempt to educate Ward 3 residents on the lega... read»

How Presidential Candidates' Housing Plans May (or May Not) Affect the DC Area

How Presidential Candidates' Housing Plans May (or May Not) Affect the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | October 24th 2019

A recent panel in DC discussed the potential local impact of housing plans being put forth by the Democratic presidential candidates.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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