Dc Restaurants

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Restaurants, from most recent to least.

From a Hotel Room to a Restaurant? An Interesting Georgetown Conversion

From a Hotel Room to a Restaurant? An Interesting Georgetown Conversion

Nena Perry-Brown | November 13th 2020

The Avery wants to convert a hotel room into a restaurant.... read»

Will Timber Pizza be Tumbled by Adjacent Development Reclaiming a Walkway?

Will Timber Pizza be Tumbled by Adjacent Development Reclaiming a Walkway?

Nena Perry-Brown | August 14th 2020

A pair of under-construction quadplexes may block the restaurant from its de facto emergency exit.... read»

DC Mayor to Lift City's Stay-at-Home Order on Friday

DC Mayor to Lift City's Stay-at-Home Order on Friday

Nena Perry-Brown | May 27th 2020

The first "reopening" phase would coincide with that of Northern Virginia.... read»

DC Council Passes Sweeping COVID-19 Emergency Bill

DC Council Passes Sweeping COVID-19 Emergency Bill

Nena Perry-Brown | March 17th 2020

The bill includes prohibition of evictions during the ongoing public health emergency.... read»

The Waffle Shop and Other Nostalgic Properties Will Redefine DC Corner

The Waffle Shop and Other Nostalgic Properties Will Redefine DC Corner

Nena Perry-Brown | December 5th 2019

One project aimed for nostalgia over maximum development on a Mount Vernon Triangle corner.... read»

Tacos, Butcher and Beer: The Restaurant Rundown for The Roost

Tacos, Butcher and Beer: The Restaurant Rundown for The Roost

Nena Perry-Brown | August 22nd 2019

Here is what we know about the food and beverage concepts for the 12,500 square-foot space on Capitol Hill.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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