Dc Preservation League

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Preservation League, from most recent to least.

A Rare Application to Landmark a DC Steakhouse

A Rare Application to Landmark a DC Steakhouse

Nena Perry-Brown | November 9th 2020

A new historic landmark application cites Dupont Circle steakhouse for being a welcoming epicenter for DC's LGBTQ community.... read»

The Waffle Shop and Other Nostalgic Properties Will Redefine DC Corner

The Waffle Shop and Other Nostalgic Properties Will Redefine DC Corner

Nena Perry-Brown | December 5th 2019

One project aimed for nostalgia over maximum development on a Mount Vernon Triangle corner.... read»

Preservation League Plans to Add More Black History Sites to DC's Inventory

Preservation League Plans to Add More Black History Sites to DC's Inventory

Nena Perry-Brown | November 27th 2019

A draft list of the new sites was released earlier this month.... read»

An Application for Historic Designation of Bloomingdale's Sylvan Theatre

An Application for Historic Designation of Bloomingdale's Sylvan Theatre

Nena Perry-Brown | April 12th 2019

At one point, the Bloomingdale theater was the first Black-operated commercial theater in the District.... read»

Landmark-Filled Judiciary Square Gets Historic District Application

Landmark-Filled Judiciary Square Gets Historic District Application

Nena Perry-Brown | February 20th 2019

The DC Preservation League applied last week to have the 18-acre swath of downtown designated a historic district.... read»

Despite Opposition of Owners, Florida Avenue Market Designated a Historic District

Despite Opposition of Owners, Florida Avenue Market Designated a Historic District

Nena Perry-Brown | November 4th 2016

Despite the show of solidarity that many owners within Florida Avenue Market and other interested parties made in opposition to a speedy landmark stat... read»

The Push to Make Florida Avenue Market a Landmark

The Push to Make Florida Avenue Market a Landmark

Nena Perry-Brown | September 8th 2016

While it may seem sudden, the application to designate the Florida Avenue Market Terminal as a historic landmark is the culmination of years of study ... read»

Turn an Old House Into an Efficient House

Turn an Old House Into an Efficient House

Shilpi Paul | June 11th 2012

On Saturday, the DC Preservation League invited James Carroll from EcoHouse to give Capitol Hill homeowners some tips on how to make their old homes m... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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