Dc Housing Authority

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc Housing Authority, from most recent to least.

715 Units Proposed For Second Phase of Development for DC's Sursum Corda Site

715 Units Proposed For Second Phase of Development for DC's Sursum Corda Site

Nena Perry-Brown | March 21st 2022

The first two buildings at the redevelopment are nearing completion.... read»

From 1,295 to 1,410 Units Proposed for Redevelopment of Greenleaf in Southwest

From 1,295 to 1,410 Units Proposed for Redevelopment of Greenleaf in Southwest

Nena Perry-Brown | March 7th 2022

The new plans will increase the number of affordable units on the site.... read»

1,245 Residential Units and Major Renovations: The Final Plan to Redevelop Greenleaf in Southwest DC

1,245 Residential Units and Major Renovations: The Final Plan to Redevelop Greenleaf in Southwest DC

Nena Perry-Brown | November 24th 2021

The redevelopment will focus more heavily on renovations and eliminating moves off-site, starting with remodeling the senior building.... read»

DC Housing Authority Identifies Preferred Co-Developer for Greenleaf Gardens

DC Housing Authority Identifies Preferred Co-Developer for Greenleaf Gardens

Nena Perry-Brown | October 16th 2020

The DCHA Board of Commissioners voted down a resolution that would allow the agency to begin negotiations.... read»

Raze Permits Filed for Park Morton for 2021 Groundbreaking

Raze Permits Filed for Park Morton for 2021 Groundbreaking

Nena Perry-Brown | August 19th 2020

The two-phase public housing redevelopment has spent the last few years in limbo.... read»

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

Nena Perry-Brown | September 6th 2019

The Historic Preservation Review Board is expected to rule later this month on whether to grant landmark status to the remaining units at Barry Farm.... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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