Dc History

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Dc History, from most recent to least.

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

1,100 Units, Retail and a Two Acre Park: The Latest Plans for Barry Farm

Nena Perry-Brown | September 6th 2019

The Historic Preservation Review Board is expected to rule later this month on whether to grant landmark status to the remaining units at Barry Farm.... read»

The Community that Became Sursum Corda in DC

The Community that Became Sursum Corda in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | March 19th 2019

Last fall, UrbanTurf took a look at the interesting alley dwelling networks uncovered in a century-old survey conducted in the District. Now, we have ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

DC Real Estate Guides

Short guides to navigating the DC-area real estate market

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