Buying Versus Renting Dc

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Buying Versus Renting Dc, from most recent to least.

Report: It's Cheaper to Rent than to Buy in DC

Report: It's Cheaper to Rent than to Buy in DC

Nena Perry-Brown | December 14th 2020

Plummeting rental prices in the DC area mean that it's now a better deal to rent than to buy.... read»

2.96 Years: The Breakeven Horizon For DC-Area Homeowners Gets Shorter

2.96 Years: The Breakeven Horizon For DC-Area Homeowners Gets Shorter

Nena Perry-Brown | May 21st 2018

A new Zillow analysis shows that would-be DC-area homebuyers will break even in less than three years.... read»

Trulia: Buying 28% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

Trulia: Buying 28% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | May 24th 2017

With rents and home prices taking opposite trajectories, it is now 28 percent cheaper to purchase a house than to rent in the DC area.... read»

Trulia: Buying 36% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

Trulia: Buying 36% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

UrbanTurf Staff | October 20th 2016

Despite rising home prices, it is still cheaper to buy than to rent in the DC area, according to a report published today by Trulia, if you meet a var... read»

Trulia: Buying 32% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

Trulia: Buying 32% Cheaper Than Renting in the DC Area

Nena Perry-Brown | April 21st 2016

Buying remains cheaper than renting in the DC area for those that can put a sizable down payment on a home, according to a new report out by Trulia. ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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