Breakeven Horizon

Following are all UrbanTurf articles filed under Breakeven Horizon, from most recent to least.

2.96 Years: The Breakeven Horizon For DC-Area Homeowners Gets Shorter

2.96 Years: The Breakeven Horizon For DC-Area Homeowners Gets Shorter

Nena Perry-Brown | May 21st 2018

A new Zillow analysis shows that would-be DC-area homebuyers will break even in less than three years.... read»

4.5 Years: DC Area Homeowners Have Longest Breakeven Point in the Country

4.5 Years: DC Area Homeowners Have Longest Breakeven Point in the Country

Nena Perry-Brown | February 9th 2016

Homeowners in the DC region will need to stay in their homes for 4.5 years before they "break even," according to a recent report. ... read»

4.5 Years is Breakeven Horizon For DC Area Homeowners

4.5 Years is Breakeven Horizon For DC Area Homeowners

Tianna Mañón | July 13th 2015

DC tops the list with the highest breakeven horizon, according to Zillow. ... read»

The Buying vs. Renting Equation is Changing

The Buying vs. Renting Equation is Changing

Lark Turner | April 8th 2015

The "breakeven" point where buying becomes worthwhile is getting longer, according to Zillow. ... read»

Pipeline: New Condos & Apartments Coming to the DC Area

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