
UrbanTurf Gets a Facelift

  • November 17th 2009

by Will Smith

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You may have noticed that UrbanTurf looks a little different, and you would be correct! We recently launched a minor site redesign that we think will improve your experience. Some highlights:

  • Article Categories. With over 750 posts to date, UrbanTurf has published content about all manner of topics related to DC real estate. Now you’ll notice the new UrbanTurf Archive section half-way down the page, which displays recent posts grouped into helpful categories like Neighborhood Profiles, New Condo Profiles, Green Real Estate, and UrbanTurf Reader Asks. We also added an Editor’s Choice category to highlight some of our personal favorites.

UrbanTurf Gets a Facelift: Figure 1
Scroll down to see the new UrbanTurf Archive section in full.

  • Better Search. We have outsourced our website search feature to Google, which provides better results and a more familiar user experience than the search function we were using before. We also added another search box to make it easier to navigate the site. You’ll see the first search box above, under our logo. The second one is right at the top of the UrbanTurf Archive section half-way down the page.

  • Most Popular. UrbanTurf’‘s most popular articles are now not only available for the week, but also for the last 30 days and for all time as well. Check it out under the comment form below.

  • The Leaderboard. UrbanTurf is supported by sponsorship from residential developments, agents, and other firms related to real estate. We’ve added the prominent “leaderboard” ad position above to enhance the effectiveness of our sponsors’ messages without interfering with your reading experience.

UrbanTurf Gets a Facelift: Figure 2
Top-right corner of the page.

  • Easier to Subscribe. Many readers prefer to get their daily fix of UrbanTurf via the newsletter we email out every morning. While we have always encouraged this, it didn’t used to be very clear exactly where to sign up for our newsletter. Hopefully we have remedied that issue now that the little green box and envelope is at the top of the page. (Go subscribe!)

As always, we welcome your thoughts and feedback, so let us know what you think in the comments section.

See other articles related to: urbanturf

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/urbanturf_gets_a_facelift/1524.

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