
Become a Fan: UrbanTurf on Facebook

  • June 1st 2012

by UrbanTurf Staff

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Become a Fan: UrbanTurf on Facebook: Figure 1

Want to get the latest DC residential real estate news while you are looking at photos chronicling the poor decisions your friends made last night? Become a fan of UrbanTurf on Facebook.

UrbanTurf’s Facebook page will not only keep you up to date on all things DC real estate oriented, but we will also throw in interesting stuff that we don’t have room for on the site. (Where else can you see the interesting wardrobe options of DC’s tourist population?)

All you have to do is like us:

See other articles related to: facebook

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/become_a_fan_urbanturf_on_facebook/5607.

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