
Announcing UrbanTurf Hoods

  • November 15th 2010

by UrbanTurf Staff

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UrbanTurf has been publishing a profile of a DC area neighborhood each week for the better part of this year, and as a result, we have produced 30 snapshots and counting of neighborhoods both established (Dupont Circle) and on their way up (H Street Corridor). All these articles have been available via the Neighborhood Profiles link at the top of the home page, but with so many to scroll through, we wanted to present them in a better way.

Enter UrbanTurf Hoods.

This new section of UrbanTurf provides a bird’s eye view of neighborhoods that we have profiled in DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland. Click the screenshot below to see it.

Even though we have written about just over 30 neighborhoods, there is still a lot of ground to cover. So, we will continue to publish a new profile once a week, and we’ll add them to Hoods as we do so. (If you are curious what neighborhoods are next in line, they are marked Coming Soon on the list.)

Please let us know any feedback in the comments. And if you think this could be useful to a friend, please forward it.

See other articles related to: urbanturf

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/announcing_urbanturf_hoods/2675.

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