
A Public Hearing is Next Step For a New Residential Zone in DC

  • May 1st 2020

by Nena Perry-Brown

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Rowhouses in Carver-Langston.

A new residential zone identification is moving forward for a neighborhood in Northeast DC. 

Last year, ANC 5D filed a zoning application that would rezone two adjacent parts of the Carver-Langston neighborhood, revising the density upward on one and downward on the other. Now, it seems the application could be successful — pending a public hearing.

In a virtual meeting last week, the Zoning Commission unanimously voted in agreement with an Office of Planning (OP) report recommending that the application be set down for a public hearing.

Proposed map amendment locations, courtesy of Office of Planning. Click to enlarge.

The application would rezone about four acres on the northern edge of Benning Road, between 17th and 21st Streets NE (map), from MU-4 to MU-5A. Behind this site, another 13.5 acres from G and I Streets NE would be rezoned from RA-2 to RF-4. The latter zone exists in the zoning code, but isn't in use anywhere on the zoning map.

The upzoning along Benning Road would facilitate medium-density mixed-use development up to 65-feet tall rather than the current 50 foot maximum. The downzoning in the residential neighborhood is aimed at maintaining the appearance of the area's rowhouse-style housing stock. The existing RA-2 zoning designation permits moderate-density residential, including apartments and structures up to 50 feet tall plus penthouse.

Although map amendments are usually distinct issues, OP agrees with the ANC that the application should be considered as one despite there being two separate sites with two different map amendments. 

"Any potential loss of dwelling units in the proposed RF-4 area should be offset by an increase in potential dwelling units in the proposed MU-5A area," the OP report explains. In this way, the concurrent rezonings "would not be inconsistent" with either the Comprehensive Plan or the mayor's housing production goals.

A public hearing has not yet been scheduled.

See other articles related to: anc 5d, map amendment, zoning commission

This article originally published at http://dc.urbanturf.production.logicbrush.com/articles/blog/a-public-hearing-for-new-residential-zone/16788.

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